Какво печелим и има ли компромиси при лечения с дистализиране на горни молари с апаратите Pendulum и Frog

Статията представя клиничните аспекти и методологията на приложение на два съвременни апарата за дистализиране на горни молари. Лечебният план, който най-често включва дистализиране на горни молари е при пациенти с клас II малоклузии.


Статията разисква промените, които настъпват с остаряването на твърдите и меките тъкани и връзката между тях. Особенно внимание обръщаме на зъбната абразия като нормален ефект на остаряването и като патологичен процес по отношение на ефекта, който оказва върху околната лигавица.

Анализ сагиттальных зубоальвеолярных и скелетных перемен при дистализировании верхних моляров посредством аппарата M-Pendulum

Аппарат М-Pendulum – один из лучших фиксированных интраоральных аппаратов для дистализирования моляров верхней челюсти. В исследовании телеренгенографии до и после лечения 81 пациентов, мы установили: абсолютная средняя стоимость дистального перемещения первого верхнего моляра – 4,26мм.; средняя стоимость дистальных движения второго верхного моляра – 3,82 мм.

The frequency of extractions in orthodontic treatments

For at least the past two decades, there has been a noticeable trend toward nonextraction orthodontic treatmentorthodontic specialists . Many to treat without extracting teeth, but while nonextraction treatment is often perceived as conservative, many dentists are unaware of the literature supporting extraction in certain cases.

Ratio of non-extraction and extraction treatments for patients with class II malocclusion

Orthodontic treatment with extraction is technically more complex due to a number of factors. Therefore, good finishing results can be more difficult to achieve. With the method of distalization of upper molars, we increase the dimensions of the tooth arch in the distal area, gaining space in the middle and frontal segment for the alignment of the teeth. This approach is appropriate alternative in borderline cases between treatment with extractions and non-extraction treatment of patients with class II malocclusion.

Prevalence and Clinical Manifestation of Mesiodens

Supernumerary teeth are rare orthodontic phenomenon. The most common observed supernumerary tooth is mesiodens. It develops between the maxillary central incisors and leads to severe disturbances. We found out that the prevalence of supernumerary teeth is 1.82% and the prevalence of mesiodens is 40.74% from all of the cases with supernumerary teeth.

Pendulum Appliance – Clinics and Results

Pendulum Appliance – Clinics and Results. Very often in orthodontics it is necessary to extract teeth to achieve optimal occlusion and alignment of the teeth. In the last years with the new contemporary appliances there is a new approach in the orthodontics – non-extraction treatment of patients.